There is never any telling what surprises life may throw at you. This is why it is always best to be prepared. 

One of the best ways you can be prepared for these surprises in your life is through life insurance. Not only can this give you and your loved ones the peace of mind you deserve, but it can also amend tough situations. 

Life insurance is worth a thought to every person in Ireland. However, it is understandable that there are a lot of questions around life insurance. 

Any queries or concerns you have in relation to life insurance can be resolved by our team at Aspect Life. Our dedicated team can offer you expert advice, with no obligation or fees. 

This can allow you to get the best advice, which can lead you down the right life insurance path. 

To get advice today, get in contact with our team at Aspect Life.

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What is life insurance?

Life insurance is a form of insurance that will pay out a lump sum following the death of the policy holder or holders. There are many variations of policies in life insurance, including lengths of terms of policy and the specific purpose of the cover. 

Life insurance is often used by parents to make sure their children are provided for should they pass. 

A business owner may also choose to invest in life insurance to keep their company stable without their guidance.

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Who benefits from life insurance?

There are a significant number of people in Ireland who would benefit from life insurance. Anyone who has financial responsibility and dependents should be considering this cover. 

However, some of the people who would benefit from life insurance includes;

  • Homeowners
  • Parents
  • Business owners
  • Spouses
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How much is life insurance

There is no fixed cost of life insurance. The costs can vary significantly based on the amount of cover you desire and your own personal factors. 

The aspects that affect how much your life insurance costs include:

  • Age of applicant
  • Health status of applicant/health history
  • Occupation of applicant
  • Length of policy
  • Amount of cover

In Ireland, life insurance can cost from €70 a month. However, we recommend that you get the coverage that will give you the most peace of mind, not the cheapest option.

Types of life insurance cover

There are various types of life insurance available in Ireland. Depending on the circumstance you are in, some may be more viable and useful than others. 

At Aspect Life, we will take your situation into consider and advise the best form of life insurance for you. However, the different types of life insurance are as follows:

Single cover will provide insurance for one person only. Should they pass, single life cover will pay out a lump sum to their estate. 

Single cover is a popular option among the likes of single parents and can be used for business loans.

Dual cover is a policy that will cover both names of a couple. This means that if one person in the couple passes, the lump sum will be paid out while still covering the other policy holder. 

Dual cover will pay out the same amount for the passing of both people.  This is also a form of mortgage protection. 

Joint cover is a policy that will cover two names. However, the lump-sum will only be paid out on the death of one person. 

Joint cover usually pays out following the first death of the couple, unless requested otherwise. 

Once the joint cover is paid out, the second person will no longer be covered by the insurance.

Term life insurance is a policy that will cover a set amount of time. This is up to the policy holder to decide and may cover five, ten or however many years they desire. 

Term life insurance is popular among parents who wish to be covered until their children finish college.

Whole of life cover will mean that you are insured until the day that you die. There is no limit to the term of coverage. 

Whole of life cover can provide parents and business owners with significant peace of mind as they will not have to renew or reconsider their coverage.

Convertible term life cover is when you choose the time period you wish to be covered for. However, when your policy expires, you will have the option to extend your coverage. 

You cannot change the amount of coverage you have when you extend convertible term life cover.

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Benefits of life insurance

Life insurance comes with a series of benefits that no other cover can offer. Some of the key benefits you get from investing in life insurance includes:

  • Peace of mind
  • Amends financial strain
  • Covers potential debt
  • Substitute for lost income
  • Funeral expenses
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Who offers life insurance in Ireland?

There are many different life insurance providers in Ireland. We will take into consideration all of the variables of your potential coverage and find you the best value for your insurance. 

We compare all of the life insurance providers in Ireland, including:

Speak to a life insurance expert today

Investing in life insurance is a very worthwhile move. However, it is worth giving a lot of thought and consideration to. 

This is why it is best to speak to a financial advisor before proceeding with getting coverage. 

At Aspect Life, we have a dedicated team with significant knowledge and experience in relation to life insurance. By getting in contact today, you can receive significant clarity on how to proceed with your cover.

So reach out today and we can begin getting you the peace of mind and cover you deserve. We can compare life insurance quotes to get you the best policy.

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Best Cover For Less

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Opening hours:
Monday – Thursday 10am – 7pm
Friday 10am – 5pm

Call: (045) 397 460